[Koha] patron categories [bulkmarcimport]

Paul A paul.a at navalmarinearchive.com
Sun Jul 6 09:17:23 NZST 2014

At 11:43 PM 7/4/2014 -0300, Tomas Cohen Arazi wrote:
>Eric, the problem seems to be MySQL 5.6, I haven't got through a detailed
>review (I don't have it for testing right now) but there are several
>changes since MySQL 5.5, notably several default configurations and other
>backwards incompatible changes [1].
>I recommend that you downgrade to MySQL 5.5, or better install on top of
>Ubuntu LTS/Debian Wheeze. I recommend Ubuntu 12.04 Server. And follow the
>official instructions [2].

FYI - our 3.8 mysql dump was "accepted" by MySQL 5.6.16-1~exp1 (Ubuntu) 
without any apparent problem (we did have FK? timestamp? problems with 
5.6.03); however, the dump is *not* backward compatible.

Best -- Paul

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