[Koha] Why three levels in ACQ (Order, Basket. Basket group) ?

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Fri Sep 6 00:21:13 NZST 2013

Le 05/09/2013 13:04, Nicole Engard a écrit :
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 5:23 AM, Zeno Tajoli <z.tajoli at cineca.it> wrote:
>> I don't' understand well the use of Basket group.
>> The manual is not very clear on this point.
> That would be because I too am not really clear on the purpose of
> basket groups :) So I didn't document it very throroughly.
This question is probably for me ;-)

The idea behind this is that some libraries have the following workflow:
 * a *librarian* prepares the basket during the week
 * on friday, a *administrative Assistant* put all baskets into a single
order, that is sent to the vendor (and yes, the vendor want only one
order, with 200+ lines, where there can be 20 librarians that made the
basket, each being responsible of buying for a branch/topic/material/...)

ATM, when you close a basket, you have an option to automatically create
a basketgroup with the same name as the basket, and it is immediately
closed for being printed. I think/suspect that it is Mathieu Saby
library behaviour.

A possible improvement could be to have a syspref to completely hide the
basketgroup level: you close the basket, you get the PDF, and that's
all. In this case, the basketgroup level would still be here, but unused
& unnecessary.

Paul POULAIN - Associé-gérant
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