[Koha] Hardware requirements of Koha

José Miguel Parrella Romero joseparrella at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 10:38:33 NZST 2008

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Edisnel Carrazana Castro escribió:
>   Saludos a todos, esto para los que entienden el español, también trataré de escribirlo en inglés. Necesito saber si alguno de ustedes, siguiendo ciertos criterios, ha hecho alguna justificación de los requerimientos de hardawre necesarios para instalar Koha. 
> Es para proponer las características que debe tener un servidor en el que será instalado el sistema, en una biblioteca donde existen cientos de miles de registros bibliográficos y pueden estar conectados simultáneamente al sistema miles de usuarios.
> Les agradecería mucho a cualquiera que me responda o me de alguna sugerencia.

Hola, Edisnel. This is an english-speaking mailing list. I'll try and
help you with your question (and I ask my fellow Koha mailing list
partners to correct me if needed)

Edisnel asks us about hardware requirements for a Koha system which will
hold hundreds of thousands records and thousands of simultaneous users.

Since Koha3, the upcoming version of the most famous and mature open
source Integrated Library System, the system uses a dual-database model
conformed by a relational database manager (MySQL, at the moment) and
the Zebra search/indexing engine.

This combination allows for tens of millions of records to be held and
indexed in Koha3, while MySQL can only hold some hundreds of thousands
and it lacks some special features (I believe transliteration,
truncation and full-text search are some of them?)

Regarding the simultaneous users, it's a matter of the application
server (operating system, databases and the Apache web server), not the
application (Koha) itself. There are some strategies to take into
consideration regarding this, including clustering, proxying, etc.

I'd go with a dual-processor server with at least 2 GB. RAM, and over
250 GB. of disk space in a RAID 1 array. Running Linux is a great plus,
of course.

Hope this helps,
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