[Koha] Rif: Re: Problem with 24.05.01 windows stalls with "processing" box

David Nind david at davidnind.com
Sun Jul 21 16:24:17 NZST 2024


I made the incorrect assumption about the MARC flavour you are using - it
looks like you are using UNIMARC. For UNIMARC, the item data is in the 995

As you have created a new record and added your normal item data, and you
still get the same 500 error, then it sounds like something else is causing
the issue.

It may be useful to join https://chat.koha-community.org/ - the mailing
list is really useful, but it isn't easy to share screenshots and other

I've made some comments below, but welcome any other ideas and suggestions!

It is also great that you have backups and can restore things to where you
were before the upgrade!

At the moment, I've run out of ideas!

Holdings table change in the staff interface

The change in 24.05 for the holdings table is intended to be a feature, not
a bug.

However, I think some guidance is required on how to troubleshoot what the
issue is, and some solutions to help libraries fix any data or other issues.

There could also be actual bugs that need fixing, or at least something to
make it easier to identify what records and items have things that are

I've created *Bug 37416*
<https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=37416> - Holdings
table 500 errors in the staff interface - how to identify cause and
possible solutions, so hopefully the developers and those more technical
than me can help on there.

Identifying the cause of the 500 error

There may be multiple causes, so I welcome suggestions on how to identify
what they are.

For 500 errors, there is often more information in the server logs. So that
is a place to start to help narrow it down.

You could also use the web developer tools for your browser and check the
console to see if there are any other errors there.

I'm sure there is something to help debug the API, but it is not something
I know about.

Some causes that I know of are the ones I included in my initial reply:
1. Items not having a home library and current library (both are required).
2. Item date fields that have 0000-00-00 - these need to be an actual date
or NULL (MARC21 date fields are defined in 952, UNIMARC date fields are in
3. Invalid entries for any of the item fields that use authorized values -
the values need to match the authorized values lists.

There are most likely others as well!

Current tools to help some identify data issues

1. Check if bibliographic frameworks have any errors: Administration >
Catalog > MARC Bibliographic framework test
2. Command line scripts to help identify any issues:
    - misc/maintenance/audit_database.pl - checks to see if there are any
database structure issues (added in 23.11)
    - misc/maintenance/search_for_data_inconsistencies.pl  - checks for
some data inconsistencies (but doesn't fix them), including:
      .  items that have undefined home libraries (homebranch) and holding
library (holdingbranch)
      . authorities with undefined authority types (authtypecodes)
      . issues with item types (item type codes must match with what is
defined in Administration > Basic parameters > Item types; also includes
issues when the 'item-level_itypes' system preference is set to 'specific
      . invalid MARCXML in bibliographic records (this now shows on record
details pages)
      . patrons with invalid category types for their age (not relevant to
item data)
      . bibliographic records without a title
      . patron guarantee/guarantor issues
3. About Koha information in the staff interface - Server information, Perl
modules, and System information tabs.

There may be other tools available that can help.

David Nind
New Zealand

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