[Koha] Rif: Re: Problem with 24.05.01 windows stalls with "processing" box

spazzali at magritte.it spazzali at magritte.it
Sun Jul 21 10:32:16 NZST 2024

Hi David,

thanks for your quick reply.

Looking for the wrong fields I edited the items of some records and they 
look ok

We don't make loan and in general we fill:

items.withdrawn 995 0 (default)
items.itemlost 995 2 (default)
items.restricted 995 3 (default)
items.dateaccessioned 995 5 (dd/mm/yyyy, filled with the calendar widget)
items.homebranch 995 b 
items.holdingbranch 995 c
items.notforloan 995 o (not for loan)
items.itype 995 r

sometimes we use 
items.itemnotes 995 u

but rarely

not more than that.

In the table under the "Processing..." box there are fields that we don't 
use and even fields I don't know at all (i.e. "Serial enumeration 

I guess that there isn't a REST Api log or a debug mode that shows where 
the problem is.

I also create a new BiblioRecord with a new Item but the problems remains 
the same.

We started with Koha in 2016 (Koha 16.5) and generally we always update to 
the last Stable versions with no problems.

Now if the problem might be in one (or a bounch) of the thousands items we 
are dealing it could be difficult catch the wrong record.

On the contrary if the problem should be in the Items I am opening the 
BiblioRecord of (generally there is a single item for each BiblioRecord) I 
must know where it is to fix it.

I can easily make a rollback because I still have an image with data and 
Koha23 installed. In general I would prefer to have the possibility to 
upgrade to the latest version but I can wait. It depends if this behaviour 
is considered as a "bug" or a "feature". In the last case I have to 
correct the Items or keep Koha23 forever.

Thanks again for your help


Da:     "David Nind" <david at davidnind.com>
Per:    spazzali at magritte.it
Cc:     koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
Data:   20/07/2024 21.43
Oggetto:        Re: [Koha] Problem with 24.05.01 windows stalls with 
"processing" box


The main cause of this issue is problems with your item data. This 

1. Items not having a home library and current library (both are 
2. Item date fields that have 0000-00-00 - these need to be an actual date 
or NULL (includes 952$d - Date acquired, 952$w - Price effective from).
3. Invalid entries for any of the item fields that use authorized values - 
the values need to match what is in your authorized values lists.

You can still edit items by going to Edit > Edit items.

Ways to fix the incorrect data (open for any suggestions here):
1. Use reports to find incorrect data and then use the item batch 
modification tool to fix them up (Cataloging > Batch editing > Batch item 
2. Update items directly in the database using SQL - item data is in the 
items table (not recommended unless you know what you are doing - make a 
database backup first!).
3. ... please comment if you know other ways.

Why did this happen? Bug 33568 - Use the REST API to display items on the 
biblio detail view. This important enhancement in 24.05.00 significantly 
improves the display of the holdings table when then are a very large 
number of items. However, it is much more "fussy" about all the item data 
being valid. Some causes of incorrect data that may have crept in to your 
system: imported or migrated data may have been incomplete, or MARC 
frameworks that don't make the home and current library mandatory (there 
are probably other things as well).

Why did your system automatically upgrade from 23.11(?? - guessing here) 
to 24.05.01? Check how your package sources list is set up. If you used 
codenames (like stable, oldstable), then as soon as a new major version is 
released (in this case 24.05 in late May 2024), when you run your update 
and upgrade commands, then it will upgrade you to the next major release. 
Despite the best efforts of the release team, there can be unexpected 
issues with new major releases (the .05 and .11 versions released every 
six months). Many Koha libraries often wait until after the first few 
maintenance releases to upgrade, as most of the significant issues are 
sorted out by then.

In the future, if you don't want to upgrade to the next major release 
until you have tested in a test environment (highly recommended!), then 
update your package sources to use the version number. I've tried to 
update the installation instructions to explain this: 

My explanation of what you get with the different releases:
If you want the most bug-free release of Koha at any given time, you 
should track the oldoldstable or oldoldoldstable (long term support) 
If you want the most feature rich release of Koha and don't mind dealing 
with bugs every few months, then track the stable branch.
The happy middle ground of oldstable will get new features six months 
later than stable, but should be considerably more tried and tested, and 
as such more bug free.
What you can do now:
1. Stay on 24.05 and fix your item date - depending on the number of items 
you have, your skills, and the time available, this could take a while 
(note that your OPAC will still work OK). (The next maintenance release 
(24.05.02) is just around the corner - it fixes other known issues, such 
as some forms not working, but won't fix your item data).
2. Restore your system to before your upgrade from your backups/system 
images (extreme care required, as always).

David Nind
New Zealand

On Sun, 21 Jul 2024 at 04:33, <spazzali at magritte.it> wrote:
Hi everybody

we have a Koha 23.11 with it_IT language installed and well running on a 
Debian 11 system.

While doing a ordinary system update (sudo apt get update / sudo apt get 
upgrade) I'm asked to change repository for Koha-common from 23 to 24. I 

The update seems to reach the end without any error and when I log in the 
version installed is 24.05.01

But trying to open a bibio record from intranet interface a box with the 
word "Processing..." appears and the windows stalls.

I attach a screenshot of the "Processing..." box and the installation log.

Koha logs seem clean.

If you have any idea it will be very helpful. 



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