[Koha] Foundation conversation

david at lang.hm david at lang.hm
Sat Oct 16 09:18:55 NZDT 2010

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010, Chris Nighswonger wrote:

> Hi David,
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM, <david at lang.hm> wrote:
>> Paul,
>>   If assets are worthless, why do you want the domain name that they have?
>> I think it would be very reasonable to initially give them a minority
>> position on the board, but have those seats convert to elected positions
>> after X years (if they have multiple seats, stagger the conversions.
>> yes, it's giveing them more representation on the board than they may
>> 'deserve' basedon recent contributions, but since it is a _minority_ they
>> aren't controlling things, so how does it hurt you (as opposed to mearly
>> offending your FSF inspired sense of right)?
>> This would not be the first time something like this has happened, and
>> usually the company starts off with a majority position, in this case they
>> are not asking for that.
> Sorry if the answer to this question is already obvious, but I'm a bit slow
> sometimes....
> Exactly what has been your contribution(s) to this project?

nothing but opinions on the mailing list. I do realize that for some 
people that means that my opinions are worthless and I should be ignored. 
I hope that this is not the type of project that takes that attitude.

> and
> Exactly what motivates you to take an interest in it?

I have a large book collection, and if Koha get's it's act togeather, it 
may be the right tool for me to use to track my library.

I've been very disappointed so far, but I've stayed subscribed hoping that 
things would get better. This included waiting for the 3.2 release to take 
place, but also includes seeing what the project decides to do in terms of 
it's future. This includes the license choice you make, as well as 
governence issues.

Right now I would not reccomend anyone deploy Koha until some of this 
stuff gets settled (being decided in any direction would be better than 
the current limbo), and then depending on what the decisions are, how much 
bad blood is formed in the fighting, etc I will then decide if the result 
is something I'm willing to spend my time on.

I've been running linux since 1994, and it's been my primary desktop since 
1996. I'm not primarily a programmer (lack of time and too many things I'm 
doing), but I have contributed patches to various projects, have found and 
reported bugs, and have participated in design decisions (including 
suggestions that the coders considered significant enough to refer to me 
by name, both in the code and in linux conference presentations)

David Lang

> I'm curious as I always like to know what makes folks interested in Koha
> tick.
> Kind Regards,
> Chris

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