[Koha] Foundation conversation

Nicole Engard nengard at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 10:11:53 NZDT 2010

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 4:18 PM,  <david at lang.hm> wrote:


> nothing but opinions on the mailing list. I do realize that for some
> people that means that my opinions are worthless and I should be ignored.
> I hope that this is not the type of project that takes that attitude.

All opinions matter and add to the discussion.

> Right now I would not reccomend anyone deploy Koha until some of this
> stuff gets settled (being decided in any direction would be better than
> the current limbo), and then depending on what the decisions are, how much
> bad blood is formed in the fighting, etc I will then decide if the result
> is something I'm willing to spend my time on.

Koha is "settled", the software is being used worldwide successfully.
Not recommending it because of internal discussions of governance
seems a bit odd to me.  I pick my software based on whether it does
what I need it to do and whether there is support (now and in the

Nicole C. Engard

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