[Koha] Simple MARC reference information

the undead the_real_undead at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 22 23:13:36 NZST 2006

her is a full tuturials about marc

Tutorial: Understanding MARC Bibliographic

Tutorial: Understanding MARC Authority Records

marc bibliographic lists:

for more documentations about marc:

I want you also to note that koha marc forms has the explain of name record 
before it, so it's easy to use it,

but always put in your mind if you don't need marc you can use koha with a 
non-marc format.

From: Kevin O'Rourke <lists at caboose.org.uk>
Subject: [Koha] Simple MARC reference information
To: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz


I'm in charge of information technology at the National Teachers'
Institute in Kaduna, Nigeria.  NTI provides teacher training by distance
learning, so our students are scattered all over the country.  One of
our aims is to make the library more accessible to the students.

I've just set up a Koha server at our library so that the staff can try
it out.  If this trial is successful we'll set up a dedicated server and
we'll start the long process of adding all the books to the system.

One problem we've encountered so far is that none of us understand MARC.
The reference materials I've found so far are all a bit theoretical,
which is probably fine if your degree was library-related.

Can anyone suggest a good simple guide to MARC?  I'm looking to develop
some simple guidelines along the lines of "Enter the author's name in
the XXX field, surname first then a comma followed by the other names".


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