[Koha] 500 internal server error - only in one category

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Fri Jun 14 02:14:41 NZST 2024

Hi Scott,

When I've seen this, it's usually a problem with one or more patron 
files in the category, and not with the category itself.

Our upgrades to 22.05 are a bit far in my memory, but I remember at one 
point there was a problem with dates in the patron file being 
0000-00-00. This resulted in error 500 during a patron search.

You can try

from borrowers where date_renewed = '0000-00-00' or dateexpiry = 
'0000-00-00' or dateenrolled = '0000-00-00' or dateofbirth = 
'0000-00-00' or lastseen = '0000-00-00' or updated_on = '0000-00-00' or 
debarred = '0000-00-00';



On 2024-06-11 13:40, Scott Owen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just upgraded to Koha
> Koha version:
> and imported sql data from a older system  (  )
> The catalog looks fine, as well as my "Board" "Staff" and "Teacher"
> categories.
> However, whenever I select my "Student" category, and try a search in the
> left leaving the "search" blank and just searching for the Student Category
> ,   I get a "Something went wrong loading the table   500 internal Server
> error"
> Trying to browse by last names gives the same "500 internal Server error"
>   error.
> If I try typing in a last name, it seems to work, and will bring up a list
> of names.
> I already tried exporting a 2nd DB dump and importing it clean...same issue.
> Any idea where to start ??  It seems like the data is good, it seems like
> it's all there. but it's not being sorted / indexed correctly ?
> I tried looking in log files, but I really didn't see much .
> -S
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Caroline Cyr-La-Rose, M.L.I.S. (she/her)
Librarian | Product Manager

1-833-INLIBRO (465-4276), ext. 221
caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com

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