[Koha] how to index a Journal/ PERIODICAL

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Thu Apr 4 02:02:22 NZDT 2019

Hi Nalisha,

I think the functionality you need is Analytical records. You can use the EasyAnalyticalRecords system preference to make it easier.

1. Activate that system preference
2. Create a record for your journal
3. Optional : In serials, create a subscription for the journal and receive items
4. If you skip step three, you must create items in your record
5. In the record, click on « New » and choose « Analyze items » 
6. This will guide you to create a new record for the article, that will be linked to an issue of the journal

I hope this helps you. 

Anyone feel free to correct me if I made a mistake...

Caroline Cyr La Rose
Librarian | Product Manager

Le 3 avril 2019 à 01:53:05, Nalisha Tamang (nt at ptsindia.com) a écrit:

Dear all,
Would you please help me to index a Journal with its articles manually..
Apart from the computer we have to maintain an index file for journals.
Thanks in advance
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