[Koha] patron categories [bulkmarcimport]

Eric Lease Morgan eric_morgan at infomotions.com
Sat Jul 5 07:16:52 NZST 2014

On Jul 4, 2014, at 2:53 PM, Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen at gmail.com> wrote:

>>   $ bulkmarcimport.pl -file /tmp/pamphlets.marc
>> And for each record in pamphlets.marc I get the following error:
>>   .DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Field 'marcxml' doesn't have a
>>   default value at /usr/local/koha/lib/C4/Biblio.pm line 3222,
>>   <GEN15> line 1465.
>>   ERROR in _koha_add_biblioitem INSERT INTO biblioitems SET
> Looks like you have an incomplete/broken DB schema. Have you already populated sensitive data? Otherwise i'd drop the database, create an empty one, and use the webinstaller to create the correct one.

Thank you for the prompt replies. Done, but alas, to no avail. 

First I dropped my database and then recreated it:

  $ mysqladmin -uroot -p drop koha
  Enter password: 
  Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
  Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.

  Do you really want to drop the 'koha' database [y/N] y
  Database "koha" dropped
  $ mysqladmin -uroot -p create koha
  Enter password: 

I then logged into the intranet and it told me I needed to create a database. It went through a number of checks and found nothing wrong; all dependencies were found. It then tried to populate the database, and I got an error, just like before:

  The following error occurred while
  importing the database structure:

  Warning: Using a password on the
  command line interface can be insecure.

  Please contact your system administrator

This error -- “Using a password...” — is the output sent by the mysql client when I include a value with the -p switch as in:

  mysql -ufoo -pbar abcd < efgh.sql

When I re-connect to the Web interface it thinks I have a database in place, and it asks me questions like "Select your MARC flavor” and "Selecting Default Settings”. It then tries to do another import (with sample data?) and the says success, but again with a peppering of "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.” messages. See my screen dump. [1]

Maybe I can initialize my koha database by hand? What file contains the database structure? What file(s) contains the sample data? Maybe my mysql client is getting in the way with its "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.” message.

[1] screen dump - http://infomotions.com/tmp/install.png

Eric Lease Morgan

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