[Koha] Rebuild-zebra stops working very often...

Sonia P. sossolapro at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 26 01:18:22 NZST 2012

OK, thanks all for your help!
I am sorry I don't know all the details and I am obviously not great with Koha.

Rebuild-zebra is supposed to run every 15 minutes for us, and sometimes it doesn't.  I know, because then I am contacted by librarians who say they can't find books which they have just entered (or I check myself, I run a few mysql queries and check if I can find them on the website).  So I know it's because the search indexes are not up to date.  Then, I restart rebuild-zebra with the following:  sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library
And then the problem is solved, but not forever.  It stops again later, the same day or another day, sometimes one week later.  If I had more time to work on Koha, I could check exactly how often it happens and things like that, but I don't have time. :(

In << sudo tail /var/log/koha/ashs/zebra-error.log.1 >> is ashs the name of the library?  On our server, the closest thing I could find is << sudo tail /var/log/koha/library/zebra-error.log >> and it doesn't give me any information.  So, if I understand well "tail", it means that the file is empty.
Same thing for zebra-output.
When I look at the current processes (ps -aux), I can see that there is a zebrasrv process runing (it says << Mar26   2:02 zebrasrv -v none,fatal,warn -f /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf >>, March 26 being the day when we restarted the whole server).
So all that probably means that there is no problem with Zebra, am I right?

With the errors I have reported previously (DBIconnect...), what is it that can't connect to MySQL?  that perl script you describe, Chris?  I understand it's not Zebra itself, is it rebuild-zebra?

Thanks a lot for all your explanations...



> Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:20:57 +0100
> From: robin at catalyst.net.nz
> To: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
> Subject: Re: [Koha] Rebuild-zebra stops working very often...
> Op 25-06-12 02:44, Sonia P. schreef:
> > So I don't know what to do... We are stuck.  I can't restart zebra every two hours.  
> When you say that you are restarting zebra, what _exactly_ are you
> doing? Because, as Chris says, there seems to be some confusion:
> restarting zebra should not affect whether rebuild-zebra is doing its
> job or not. Also, rebuild-zebra fires up every 15 minutes or so do do
> things, does them, and then stops. There is something in your
> explanation that doesn't make sense that needs to be figured out before
> any useful suggestions can be made.
> > Would reinstalling everything help?  Wouldn't it take two weeks to set up and fix everything?
> No idea, it would depend on what the problem was. In theory, if you
> follow exactly the same steps that you did last time, you will have the
> same problems.
> -- 
> Robin Sheat
> Catalyst IT Ltd.
> ✆ +64 4 803 2204
> GPG: 5957 6D23 8B16 EFAB FEF8  7175 14D3 6485 A99C EB6D
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