[Koha] Serial workarounds

Heather_Hernandez at nps.gov Heather_Hernandez at nps.gov
Sat Jul 28 06:13:44 NZST 2012


Adam wrote:
> We are in the process of migrating to Koha and were wondering what others
> are doing in serials. Some functionality is missing that we currently use
> and would like to get some examples of how others are doing it. We are an
> private academic library with about 200 serials. Any advice would be
> appreciated.
> Two Examples:
> * Dates in the predictions
> * Quarterly predictions

We are very new to Koha, so may not be doing things in the most efficient
way, but in the serials planning part of the subscription, when entering
the new subscription, I *try* to predict the next published issue, but have
been having to edit and adjust as I receive serials.  (When using the
"receive" function, I try to edit & adjust the predicted dates to more
reflect what is actually expected.)  You can also use "edit subscription"
to go back into the serials planning part to adjust a predicted date.

As for the quarterly titles, I just pick the month and day that I expect
them, and use the appropriate frequency prediction based on whether they
come with a month or a season ("1/3 months (quarterly)" or "1/season" if I
remember correctly!)

I've been referring to the manual extensively, especially this section
(we're on version 3.8):

I hope this helps!  Cheerio,
Heather Hernandez
Technical Services Librarian
Cultural Resources and Museum Management Division
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
heather_hernandez at nps.gov
415-561-7032 (voice)       415-556-3540 (fax)

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