[Koha] barcode problem plz help

prasenjit ghosh prasenoor2006 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 04:30:42 NZST 2011

Dear All,
I installed Koha and its working. Cant generate barcodes. Using on Winxp.
Internal server error showing whenever trying to generate barcode.
barcodesgenerator.pl is as follows. Whenever running the perl module "you
have an error in your sql syntax.........." message displaying. plz help.
thanx in advance

-- #!/usr/bin/perl

# script to generate items barcodes
# written 07/04
# by Veleda Matias - matias_veleda at hotmail.com - Physics Library UNLP
Argentina and
#    Castañeda Sebastian - seba3c at yahoo.com.ar - Physics Library UNLP
Argentina and

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

require Exporter;

use strict;

use CGI;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output;
use HTML::Template;
use PDF::API2;
use PDF::API2::Page;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use C4::Barcodes::PrinterConfig;
use Time::localtime;

# This function returns the path to deal with the correct files, considering
# templates set and language.
sub getPath {
my $type = shift @_;
my $templatesSet = C4::Context->preference('template');
my $lang = C4::Context->preference('opaclanguages');
if ($type eq "intranet") {
return "$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/intranet-tmpl/$templatesSet/$lang";
} else {
return "$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/opac-tmpl/$templatesSet/$lang";

# Load a configuration file. Before use this function, check if that file
sub loadConfFromFile {
  my $fileName = shift @_;
my %keyValues;
open FILE, "<$fileName";
while (<FILE>) {
if (/\s*([\w_]*)\s*=\s*([\[\]\<\>\w_\s:@,\.-]*)\s*/) {
$keyValues{$1} = $2;
close FILE;
return %keyValues;

# Save settings to a configuration file. It delete previous configuration
sub saveConfToFile {
my $fileName = shift @_;
my %keyValues = %{shift @_};
my $i;
open FILE, ">$fileName";
my $i;
foreach $i (keys(%keyValues)) {
    print FILE $i." = ".$keyValues{$i}."\n";
close FILE;

# Load the config file.
my $filenameConf =
my %labelConfig = &loadConfFromFile($filenameConf);

# Creates a CGI object and take its parameters
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $from = $cgi->param('from');
my $to = $cgi->param('to');
my $individualCodes = $cgi->param('individualCodes');
my $rangeType = $cgi->param('rangeType');
my $pageType = $cgi->param('pages');
my $label = $cgi->param('label');
my $numbersystem = $cgi->param('numbersystem');
my $text_under_label = $cgi->param('text_under_label');

# Generate the checksum from an inventary code
sub checksum {

  sub calculateDigit {
    my $code = shift @_;
    my $sum = 0;
  my $odd_parity = 1;
    my $i;
    for ($i = length($code) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--){
   if ( $odd_parity ) {
  $sum = $sum + ( 3 * substr($code, $i, 1) );
     } else {
$sum = $sum + substr($code, $i, 1); }
  $odd_parity = !$odd_parity;
    my $check_digit = 10 - ($sum%10);
if ($check_digit==10) {
  return $code.$check_digit;

  my $currentCode = shift @_;
  $currentCode = &calculateDigit($currentCode);
  return $currentCode;

# Assigns a temporary name to the PDF file
sub assingFilename {
my ($from, $to) = @_;
my $ip = $cgi->remote_addr();
my $random = int(rand(1000000));
    my $timeObj = localtime();
my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($timeObj->mday,
   $timeObj->mon + 1,
   $timeObj->year + 1900,
my $tmpFileName = $random.'-'.$ip.'-(From '.$from.' to
return $tmpFileName;

# Takes inventary codes from database and if they are between
# the interval specify by parameters, it generates the correspond barcodes
sub barcodesGenerator {
my ($from, $to, $rangeType, $individualCodes,$text_under_label) = @_;
# Returns a database handler
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Create the query to database
# Assigns a temporary filename for the pdf file
my $tmpFileName = &assingFilename($from, $to);
if ($rangeType eq 'continuous2') {
# Set the temp directory for pdf´s files
if (!defined($ENV{'TEMP'})) {
$ENV{'TEMP'} = '/tmp/';
$tmpFileName = $ENV{'TEMP'}.$tmpFileName;
# Creates a PDF object
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new(-file => $tmpFileName);
# Set the positions where barcodes are going to be placed
$labelConfig{'labelWidth'}, $labelConfig{'columns'},
$labelConfig{'labelHeigth'}, $labelConfig{'rows'},
# Creates a font object
my $tr = $pdf->corefont('Helvetica-Bold');
# Barcode position
my ($page, $gfx, $text);
for (my $code=$from; $code<=$to; $code++) {
# Generetase checksum
my $codeC = &checksum($code);
# Generate the corresponde barcode to $code
my $barcode = $pdf->barcode(-font => $tr, # The font object to use
-type => 'ean128', # Standard of codification
-code => $codeC, # Text to codify
-extn => '012345', # Barcode extension (if it is aplicable)
-umzn => 10, # Top limit of the finished bar
-lmzn => 10, # Bottom limit of the finished bar
-zone => 15, # Bars size
-quzn => 0, # Space destinated for legend
-ofwt => 0.01, # Bars width
-fnsz => 8, # Font size
-text => ''

(my $x, my $y, $pdf, $page, $gfx, $text, $tr, $label) =
# Assigns a barcodes to $gfx
$gfx->barcode($barcode, $x, $y , (72/$labelConfig{'systemDpi'}));
# Assigns the additional information to the barcode (Legend)
$text->translate($x - 48, $y - 22);
if ($text_under_label) {
# Writes the objects added in $gfx to $page
$pdf->finishobjects($page,$gfx, $text);
# Save changes to the PDF
# Close the conection with the PDF file
# Show the PDF file
} else {
my $rangeCondition;
if ($individualCodes ne "") {
$rangeCondition = "AND (I.barcode IN " . $individualCodes . ")";
} else {
$rangeCondition =  "AND (I.barcode >= " . $from . " AND I.barcode <="  . $to
. " )";

my $query = "SELECT CONCAT('$numbersystem',REPEAT('0',((12 -
LENGTH('$numbersystem')) - LENGTH(I.barcode))), I.barcode) AS Codigo,
B.title, B.author FROM biblio B, items I WHERE (I.biblionumber =
B.biblioNumber ) " .$rangeCondition. " AND (I.barcode <> 'FALTA') ORDER BY

# Prepare the query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# Executes the query
if ($sth->rows) { # There are inventary codes
# Set the temp directory for pdf´s files
if (!defined($ENV{'TEMP'})) {
$ENV{'TEMP'} = '/tmp/';
# Assigns a temporary filename for the pdf file
my $tmpFileName = &assingFilename($from, $to);
$tmpFileName = $ENV{'TEMP'}.$tmpFileName;
# Creates a PDF object
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new(-file => $tmpFileName);
# Set the positions where barcodes are going to be placed
$labelConfig{'labelWidth'}, $labelConfig{'columns'},
$labelConfig{'labelHeigth'}, $labelConfig{'rows'},
# Creates a font object
my $tr = $pdf->corefont('Helvetica-Bold');
# Barcode position
my ($page, $gfx, $text);
while (my ($code,$title,$author) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# Generetase checksum
$code = &checksum($code);
# Generate the corresponde barcode to $code
my $barcode = $pdf->barcode(-font => $tr, # The font object to use
-type => 'ean13', # Standard of codification
-code => $code, # Text to codify
-extn => '012345', # Barcode extension (if it is aplicable)
-umzn => 10, # Top limit of the finished bar
-lmzn => 10, # Bottom limit of the finished bar
-zone => 15, # Bars size
-quzn => 0, # Space destinated for legend
-ofwt => 0.01, # Bars width
-fnsz => 8, # Font size
-text => ''

(my $x, my $y, $pdf, $page, $gfx, $text, $tr, $label) =
# Assigns a barcodes to $gfx
$gfx->barcode($barcode, $x, $y , (72/$labelConfig{'systemDpi'}));
# Assigns the additional information to the barcode (Legend)
$text->translate($x - 48, $y - 22);
if ($text_under_label) {
} else {
$text->text(substr $title, 0, 30);
$text->translate($x - 48, $y - 29);
$text->text(substr $author, 0, 30);
# Writes the objects added in $gfx to $page
$pdf->finishobjects($page,$gfx, $text);
# Save changes to the PDF
# Close the conection with the PDF file
# Show the PDF file
} else {
# Rollback and shows the error legend
print $cgi->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/barcodes/barcodes.pl?error=1");

barcodesGenerator($from, $to, $rangeType,
Prasenjit Ghosh,
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