[Koha] LDAP Authentication

Scott Owen sowen at edzone.net
Tue Aug 10 06:29:29 NZST 2010

What you are describing, is exactly when the firstname is not mapped correctly.

I would:

1. Verify that the field can be populated. To do the I would hard code a generic firstname in the field.
ie: <firstname    is=""    >John</firstname>
This should always populate the firstname field (in borrowers) with "John".

2. Use a tool like the Softera LDAP browser to make sure you can browse the LDAP directory, and that the user you browse with has "read" rights to that attribute.

3. Double check that you are using the correct attribute mapping. The softera LDAP browser will show the LDAP mapping, depending on your directory this could be different. In my case (Novell eDir) I must use the "givenname" attribute. 


>>> Sabine Grabner<sabine.grabner at fhv.at> 8/9/2010 9:33 AM >>>

I have set up LDAP authentication which works fine. However, when the user is added to table 'borrowers', the attribute 'firstname' is not being populated, even though the mapping is configured appropriately. 

Any ideas to fix this issue are welcome.

Thank you,


Sabine Grabner

Software Developer
Information Services

University of Applied Sciences
Hochschulstr. 1
6850 Dornbirn, Austria

voice +43 (0) 5572 792 2212
AIM sabine.grabner at gmail.com
skype sabsigoessb


GmbH, FN 1654154, LG Feldkirch
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