No subject

Wed Nov 11 03:01:06 NZDT 2009

[Wed Aug 18 21:39:21 2010] [error] [client X.X.X.X] [Wed Aug 18 21:39:21 2010] "my" variable $selected masks earlier declaration in same scope
at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/ line 150., refer$
[Wed Aug 18 21:39:22 2010] [error] [client X.X.X.X] HTML::Template::Pro:in
TMPL_LOOP at pos 232: , referer: http://X.X.X.X/cgi-bin/koha/
[Wed Aug 18 21:39:22 2010] [error] [client X.X.X.X] PARAM:LOOP:next_loop(0):
callback returned null scope, referer:


Koha is running on the following platform:

Debian Linux #3 SMP i686 GNU/Linux

Perl version: 	5.010001

Perl modules

Algorithm::CheckDigits  	0.53
Biblio::EndnoteStyle  	0.05
CGI  	3.49
CGI::Carp  	3.45
CGI::Session 	4.42
CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml 	4.24
Class::Accessor 	0.34
Class::Factory::Util 	1.7
Compress::Zlib 	2.024
DBD::SQLite2 	0.33
DBD::mysql 	4.017
DBI 	1.613
Data::Dumper 	2.125
Data::ICal 	0.16
Date::Calc 	6.3
Date::ICal 	1.72
Date::Manip 	6.04
Digest::MD5 	2.39
Digest::SHA 	5.48
Email::Date 	1.103
File::Temp 	0.22
GD 	2.45
GD::Barcode::UPCE 	1.1
Getopt::Long 	2.38
Getopt::Std 	1.06
HTML::Scrubber 	0.08
HTML::Template::Pro 	0.9502
HTTP::Cookies 	5.833
HTTP::OAI 	3.23
HTTP::Request::Common 	5.824
IPC::Cmd 	0.54
JSON 	2.21
LWP::Simple 	5.835
LWP::UserAgent 	5.835
Lingua::Stem 	0.84
List::MoreUtils 0.25_02
List::Util 	1.21
Locale::Language 	2.07
MARC::Charset 	1.2
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore 	0.02
MARC::File::XML 	0.92
MARC::Record 	2.0.2
MIME::Base64 	3.08
MIME::Lite 	3.027
MIME::QuotedPrint 	3.08
Mail::Sendmail 	0.79_16
Net::LDAP 	0.4001 
Net::LDAP::Filter 	0.15
Net::Z3950::ZOOM 	1.26
PDF::API2 	2.015
PDF::API2::Page 	2.001
PDF::API2::Util 	2.000
PDF::Reuse 	0.35
PDF::Reuse::Barcode 0.05
POE 	1.292
POSIX 	1.17
SMS::Send 	0.05
Schedule::At 	1.10
Term::ANSIColor 	2.00
Test 	1.25_02
Test::Harness 	3.17
Test::More 	0.92
Text::CSV 	1.18
Text::CSV_XS 	0.73
Text::Iconv 	1.7
Text::Wrap 	2009.0305
Time::HiRes 	1.9719
Time::localtime 	1.02
Unicode::Normalize 	1.03
XML::Dumper 	0.81
XML::LibXML 	1.70
XML::LibXSLT 	1.70
XML::RSS 	1.48
XML::SAX::ParserFactory 	1.01
XML::SAX::Writer 	0.53 
XML::Simple 	2.18
YAML::Syck 	1.12

MySQL version: 	mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.48, for debian-linux-gnu (i486)
using readline 6.1

Apache server version: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)

Zebra version: 	Zebra 2.0.44

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