[Koha] Migrate Alice for Windows

Emrys Minnig emrysminnig at varndean.co.uk
Thu Jun 18 00:15:52 NZST 2009

I successfully migrated from Alice to Koha 3.  I used Alice's 'Export to USMARC' utility to dump all the records into a .dat file.  
Next, using MarcEdit (free from oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/), I moved item information from Alice's 999 subfields to Koha's 952 subfields (if I remember right).
Then, I used Koha's 'Stage MARC records' utility to populate the catalogue.
If you have any other questions, feel free to email me.
Emrys Minnig
Varndean School


From: koha-bounces at lists.katipo.co.nz on behalf of Seth Mayo
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 03:54
To: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
Subject: [Koha] Migrate Alice for Windows

Has anyone migrated Alice for Windows to Koha?

Alice for Windows hasn't been working right in our school for while
and I'm looking to change to Koha.  However I haven't been able to get
the exported MARC file to import.  Unfortunately I don't know much
about MARC but basically what I've done is the following.

1.  Used the Alice for Windows 'Export to MARC' function to dump a
MARC 21 .dat file
2.  Set up the environment variables for bulkmarcimport.pl
3.  Run bulkmarcimport.pl to import the data which returned that 21000
odd items were imported
4.  Found there were no more items in the database than before.
5.  Tried uploading it to import through the 'reservior' method and it
gave me a report that there were the same number of records but that
there were MARC errors on each one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Seth Mayo
IT Technical Manager
Email:  smayo at stpeters.nsw.edu.au
St Peter's Anglican Primary School
Howe Street
Campbelltown NSW 2560
PH: 02 4627 2990
Website:  http://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au <http://www.stpeters.nsw.edu.au/> 
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