[Koha] Help Required...

Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea.it
Fri Jan 25 04:23:35 NZDT 2008

Hi to all,
At 12.11 24/01/2008, you wrote:
>I am an engineering student and presently working on a project of 
>Configuring Koha in linux along with 11 others members in college.
>We have only some basic knowledge of linux and would like to know 
>where and how to start configuring koha for our library...

I can only suggest a path of learing, using web and google:

1) Study how to set up a debian Linux on your hardware
2) Study how to configure (at basic) apache 2 and MySql 5
3) Learn perl 5.x
4)Learn at basic Z39.50 and library science.
At the end you will have all info to configure Koba at best level.


Ps: you can start form INSTALL.debian in the tar file 
And i suggest you to read the document but wait the beta to try to 
install. The beta si scheduled for start of february 2008.


Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
(Indirizzo mascherato anti-spam; sostituisci quanto tra AT con @)

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