[Koha] Continuting z3950 madness

Chris Cormack chris at katipo.co.nz
Fri Jun 16 15:38:14 NZST 2006

On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 01:07:52PM +1000, Daehenoc said:
> Thanks for the reply. We're running Koha 2.2.5 and since I don't know
> what npl is I guess we're running default templates. :p Actually, we
> installed the Canevas templates now I come to think about it.
> I'm fairly sure that this problem existed prior to installing the
> Canevas templates... but the Canevas installation and when we first
> tried to use the z39.50 daemon was a while ago.
Canevas?? Thats a new one for me :)

It looks to me like BreedingSearch is not being passed anything to search on
If you look at Breeding.pm

Line 167 is 

Before that, could you put

warn "query=$query title=$title isbn=$isbn";

And then try a z3950 search and check the error logs it should hopefully
show us if the title and/or isbn are being passed through ok.

Altho this is just searching the results of previous z3950 searches, so this
wont help the actual z3950 searches work. The problem there was the other

Ive attached a processz3950queue file that may (or may not) fix your
disappearing server problem


Chris Cormack                                                     Programmer
027 4500 789                                       Katipo Communications Ltd
chris at katipo.co.nz                                          www.katipo.co.nz
-------------- next part --------------

# $Id: processz3950queue,v 2005/06/16 15:51:05 tipaul Exp $

use C4::Context;
use DBI;
use strict;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Breeding;
use Net::Z3950;

=head1 NAME

processz3950queue. The script that does z3950 searches.


This script can be used on a console (as normal user) or by the daemon-launch script.

Don't forget to EXPORT PERL5LIB=/PATH/to/KOHA before executing it if you use console mode.

It :
1- extracts z3950 requests from z3950queue table,
2- creates entries in z3950results to store the result
3- launch z3950 queries in asynchronous mode, using Unix fork()
4- store results in marc_breeding table.

The z3950 results queries are managed in z3950/search.pl script (poped-up window in MARC editor).


=head2 table z3950servers

This table stores the differents z3950 servers.
A server is used if checked=1. The rank is NOT used as searches are now asynchronous.

=head2 table z3950queue

Table use to manage queries. A single line is created  in this table for each z3950 search request.
If more than 1 server is called, the C<servers> field containt all of them separated by |.

z3950 search requests are done by z3950/search.pl script.
At this stage, the fields are created with C<startdate> and C<done> empty

Then, the processz3950queue finds this entry and :
1- store date (time()) in C<startdate>
2- set C<done> = -1

when the requests are all sent :
2- set C<done> = 1
3- set C<enddate> (FIXME: always equal to startdate for me)

entries are deleted when :
- C<startdate> is more than 1 day ago.

- results, numrecords fields are unused

=head2 table z3950results

1 entry is created for each request, for each server called.
when created :
* C<startdate> is filled
* C<enddate> is null
* active is set to 0. when active is 0, it means the request has not been sent. when set to 1, it means it's on the way.

When a search is ended, C<enddate> is set, and C<active> is set to -1

=head1 How it's written

on every loop :
* delete old queries
* for each entry in z3950queue table that is not done=1 {
	for each search request	{
		for each server {
			try to connect
			look for results
			*      results can be :
			- existing and already running on another process (active=1)
			- existing & finished (active=-1)
			- non existent => create it and run the request.
=over 2


if ($< == 0) {
    # Running as root, switch privs
    if (-d "/var/run") {
	open PID, ">/var/run/processz3950queue.pid";
	print PID $$."\n";
	close PID;
    # Get real apacheuser from koha.conf or reparsing httpd.conf
    my $apacheuser=C4::Context->config("httpduser");
    my $uid=0;
    unless ($uid = (getpwnam($apacheuser))[2]) {
	die "Attempt to run daemon as non-existent or superuser\n";
my $db_driver = C4::Context->config("db_scheme") || "mysql";
my $db_name   = C4::Context->config("database");
my $db_host   = C4::Context->config("hostname");
my $db_user   = C4::Context->config("user");
my $db_passwd = C4::Context->config("pass");
#my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$db_driver:$db_name:$db_host",$db_user, $db_passwd);
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();

# we begin the script, so "unactive" every pending request : they will never give anything, the script died :-(
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update z3950results set active=0 where active<>-1");

my $logdir=$ARGV[0];

open PID, ">$logdir/processz3950queue.pid";
print PID $$."\n";
close PID;

my $reapcounter=0;
my $forkcounter=0;
my $checkqueue=1;
my $pid=$$;
my $lastrun=0;
while (1) {
	if ((time-$lastrun)>5) {
		$checkqueue = 1; # FIXME during testing, this line forces the loop. REMOVE it to use SIG{HUP} when "daemonized" !
# clean DB
		my $now = time();
		# delete z3950queue entries that are more than 1 day old
		my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from z3950queue where ?-startdate > 86400");
		# delete z3950results queries that are more than 1 hour old
		$sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from z3950results where ?-startdate > 3600");
		if ($checkqueue) { # everytime a SIG{HUP} is recieved
# parse every entry in QUEUE
			$sth=$dbh->prepare("select id,term,type,servers,identifier from z3950queue where done<>1 or done is null order by id");
			while (my ($id, $term, $type, $servers,$random) = $sth->fetchrow) {
# FIXME: there is no "else". So, if more than 12 requests at the same time => requests are lost !
				if ($forkcounter<12) {
					my $now=time();
# search for results entries for this request
					my $stk=$dbh->prepare("select id,server,startdate,enddate,numrecords,active from z3950results where queryid=?");
					($stk->execute($id)) || (next);
					my %serverdone;
# if no results => set queue to done = -1, set startdate and begin creating z3950results table entries & z3950 queries
					unless ($stk->rows) {
						my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update z3950queue set done=-1,startdate=? where id=?");
# check which servers calls have already been created (before a crash)
					while (my ($r_id, $r_server,$r_startdate,$r_enddate,$r_numrecords,$active) = $stk->fetchrow) {
						if ($r_enddate >0) { # result entry exist & finished
						} elsif ($active) { # result entry exists & on the way (active=1) or already done (active=-1)
						} else { # otherwise
						# note that is the entry doesn't exist, the $serverdone{$r_server} is 0 (important later !)
					foreach my $serverinfo (split(/\|/, $servers)) {
						(next) if ($serverdone{$serverinfo} == 1); #(otherwise, is 0 or -1)
						my $totalrecords=0;
						my $globalname;
						my $globalsyntax;
						my $globalencoding;
# fork a process for this z3950 query
						if (my $pid=fork()) {
						} else {
# and connect to z3950 server
#FIXME: why do we need $dbi ? can't we use $dbh ?
							my $db_driver = C4::Context->config("db_scheme") || "mysql";
							my $db_name   = C4::Context->config("database");
							my $db_host   = C4::Context->config("hostname");
							my $db_user   = C4::Context->config("user");
							my $db_passwd = C4::Context->config("pass");
							my $dbi = DBI->connect("DBI:$db_driver:$db_name:$db_host",$db_user, $db_passwd);
							$dbh->{"InactiveDestroy"} = "true";
							my ($name, $server, $database, $user, $password,$syntax) = split(/\//, $serverinfo, 6);
							$globalsyntax = $syntax;
							my $servername=$1;
							my $port=$2;
							my $attr='';
							if ($type eq 'isbn') {
							} elsif ($type eq 'title') {
							} elsif ($type eq 'author') {
							} elsif ($type eq 'lccn') {
							} elsif ($type eq 'keyword') {
							my $query="\@attr $attr \"$term\"";
							print "$$/$id : Processing $type=$term at $name $server $database $syntax (".($forkcounter+1)." forks)\n";
# try to connect
							my $conn;
							my $noconnection=0;
							my $error=0;
# the z3950 query is builded. Launch it.
							if ($user) {
								$conn= new Net::Z3950::Connection($servername, $port, databaseName => $database, user => $user, password => $password) || ($noconnection=1);
							} else {
								$conn= new Net::Z3950::Connection($servername, $port, databaseName => $database) || ($noconnection=1);
							if ($noconnection || $error) {
# if connection impossible, don't go further !
								print "$$/$id : no connection at $globalname\n";
								my $result = MARC::Record->new();
								my ($notmarcrecord,$alreadyindb,$alreadyinfarm,$imported) = ImportBreeding($result,-1,"$globalname server is NOT responding","",$random);
							} else {
# else, build z3950 query and do it !
								my $resultsid="";
	# create z3950results entries.
								if ($serverdone{$serverinfo}==-1) { # if entry exist, just retrieve it
									my $stj=$dbi->prepare("select id from z3950results where server=? and queryid=?");
									($resultsid) = $stj->fetchrow;
									print "$$/$id : 1 >> $resultsid\n";
								} else { # else create it : (may be serverdone=1 or 0)
									my $stj=$dbi->prepare("select id from z3950results where server=? and queryid=?");
									($resultsid) = $stj->fetchrow;
									print "$$/$id : 2 >> $resultsid\n";
									unless ($resultsid) {
										$stj=$dbi->prepare("insert into z3950results (server, queryid, startdate) values (?,?,?)");
										$stj->execute($serverinfo, $id, $now);
										print "$$/$id : creating and ";
								print "$$/$id : working on results entry $resultsid\n";
	# set active to 1 => this request is on the way.
								my $stj=$dbi->prepare("update z3950results set active=1 where id=?");
								print "$$/$id : connected to $globalname\n";
 								eval {$conn->option(elementSetName => 'F')};
								eval { $conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => Net::Z3950::RecordSyntax::USMARC);} if ($globalsyntax eq "MARC21");
 								eval { $conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => Net::Z3950::RecordSyntax::UNIMARC);} if ($globalsyntax eq "UNIMARC");
 								if ($@) {
 									print "$$/$id : $globalname ERROR: $@ for $resultsid\n";
	# in case pb during connexion, set result to "empty" to avoid everlasting loops
									my $stj=$dbi->prepare("update z3950results set numrecords=?,numdownloaded=?,highestseen=0,results='',enddate=? where id=?");
 								} else {
									my $rs=$conn->search($query);
	# we have an answer for a query => get results & store them in marc_breeding table
									my $numresults=$rs->size();
									if ($numresults eq 0) {
										print "$$/$id : $globalname : no records found\n";
									} else {
										print "$$/$id : $globalname : $numresults records found, retrieving them (max 80)\n";
									my $i;
									my $result='';
									my $scantimerstart=time();
									for ($i=1; $i<=(($numresults<80) ? ($numresults) : (80)); $i++) {
										my $rec=$rs->record($i);
 										my $marcdata = $rec->rawdata();
										$globalencoding = ref($rec);
									my @x=split /::/,$globalencoding;
									my ($notmarcrecord,$alreadyindb,$alreadyinfarm,$imported) = ImportBreeding($result,-1,"Z3950-$globalname",$x[3],$random);
									my $scantimerend=time();
									my $numrecords;
									($numresults<80) ? ($numrecords=$numresults) : ($numrecords=80);
									my $elapsed=$scantimerend-$scantimerstart;
									if ($elapsed) {
										my $speed=int($numresults/$elapsed*100)/100;
										print "$$/$id : $globalname : $server records retrieved $numrecords SPEED: $speed\n";
									my $q_result=$dbi->quote($result);
									($q_result) || ($q_result='""');
									if ($numresults >0) {
										my $stj=$dbi->prepare("update z3950results set numrecords=?,numdownloaded=?,highestseen=0,results=?,enddate=? where id=?");
									} else { # no results...
										my $stj=$dbi->prepare("update z3950results set numrecords=?,numdownloaded=?,highestseen=0,results='',enddate=? where id=?");
								$stj=$dbi->prepare("update z3950results set active=-1 where id=?");
								eval {my $stj->finish};
#OK, the search is done inactivate it..
							print "$$/$id : $server search done.\n";
				} else {
# $forkcounter >=12
				# delete z3950queue entry, as everything is done
				my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update z3950queue set done=1,enddate=? where id=?");
		sleep 10;

sub reap {

sub checkqueue {

sub pe {
	return 0;

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