[Koha] questions (PDF-API2 0.3r77, z39.50 lookup)

William Macfarlane wmacfarl at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 07:13:30 NZDT 2005

I added some lines to my bulkmarcimport script to add the appropriate
942 and 952 fields to my marc files before importing them and to give
a barcode to each item, and this seems to be working great.  I still

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost'
to database 'Koha' at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules//C4/Biblio.pm
line 333.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost'
to database 'Koha' at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules//C4/Biblio.pm
line 382.

for each entry, but this doesn't seem to cause any trouble.

Now I'd really like to get z39.50 lookup and barcode generation
working.  When I try to generate barcodes I get 500 internal server
error with " Can't locate PDF/API2/P
DF/Utils.pm in @INC " type errors in the error log.  I'm using the
newest version of PDF::API2, and I read that I need to revert to
version 0.3r77, I just don't know where to find this version.  I've
tried searching CPAN with no luck.  So if anyone can point me to
pdf::api2 0.3r77 I'd be grateful.

Also, I've been having troulbe with z39.50.  The z39.50 server seems
to respond to my query, but the pop-up window in the intranet
interface always shows 'no results'.

It used to refresh to 404 -- and the page shows "The
requested URL /cgi-bin/koha/z3950/0 was not found on this server.",
but I followed the advice of an earlier thread
( http://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2005/004952.html ) and
replaced line 103 of /z3950/search.pl, and now it just goes to 'no
results found'.

I know that I am connecting to the z39.50 server and finding records
because my z3950 log looks like this:

15519/20 : Processing isbn=0140076921 at NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA amicus.colle
ctionscanada.ca:210 NL USMARC (1 forks)
15519/20 : 2 >>
15519/20 : creating and 15519/20 : working on results entry 17
15519/20 : connected to NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA
15519/20 : NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA : 1 records found, retrieving
them (max 80)
15519/20 : NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA : amicus.collectionscanada.ca:210 records
retrieved 1 SPEED: 0.5
15519/20 : amicus.collectionscanada.ca:210 search done.

Someone in an earlier thread (
http://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2005/005009.html ) seems to have
had a very similar problem that was solved by adding stopwords to the
database, but I have "AND" and "THE" in my stopwords list and my
problem persists.

thanks for the help, the school is getting a barcode scanner sometime
next week, and we're all pretty excited about having a functioning
library for the first time!

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