[Koha] More questions for migrating to koha

Stephen Hedges shedges at skemotah.com
Wed Sep 15 21:38:41 NZST 2004

Hi, Andres -

Andres Tarallo said:
> ...we are trying to understand the way
> bulkmarcimport.pl handles  MARC records, in order to feed it with
> properly loaded records. It's not clear for me the way i have to build
> my MARC records

You're writing a script using MARC::Record if I recall.  So what you
should do is open a file early in the script to save your records,
something like:

open OUTFILE, "+>bibs" or die "Cannot open output file (bibs)";

Then go through the process of putting each record together tag by tag. 
Something like:

$tag100 = MARC::Field->new(100,'','','a'=>$author);

Then when you have all the tags built add the record to your output file:

print OUTFILE $record->as_usmarc();

[The perl lines above assume you are using MARC21, change accordingly for

Now you have an iso2709 file ("bibs") that you can load using

Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  shedges at skemotah.com

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