[Koha] More questions for migrating to koha

Andres Tarallo tarallo at ort.edu.uy
Tue Sep 14 12:22:03 NZST 2004

As I've told you I'm currently working on mapping the database of my 
current ILS (CDS/ISIS, CEPAL layout) to MARC21, to import it to koha.  
I've managed to generate MARC records form the exported data of my ILS.

I've downloaded today the Koha DB Schema, what we want to insure is that 
for every title we have one record is added to the biblio table, no 
matter how many copies of this title we have, also we want to have as 
many items as copies we have for each title.

In order to achieve this goals we are trying to understand the way 
bulkmarcimport.pl handles  MARC records, in order to feed it with 
properly loaded records. It's not clear for me the way i have to build 
my MARC records, in order to represent fully the reality I've presented 
you above.

Any help will be appreciated.


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