[Koha] Importing records into Koha

Gregory Garretson gregory at bu.edu
Sat Apr 24 02:48:46 NZST 2004

Thanks, Steven, for your reply. Let me respond to your comments:

Steven F. Baljkas wrote:

>Depending on how small 'small' is and the nature of the collection (newer
>vs. older works, monographs vs. serials or other formats, North American vs.
>other), you might have less frustration just using the database you have now
>as a search list and doing it manually. Read on before opting for that
>though ...
Actually, it's a few thousand volumes (mostly books), so while it may be 
feasible to do it manually, I don't relish the thought. Since I have 
most of the catalog information in digital form, it seems a shame not to 
be able to use it.

>Is there a reason you are not using the full-MARC compliant 2.0? I thought
>that it could accept records that were missing even the ISBN?!
Only that I downloaded it before 2.0 was officially released. I'll 
gladly update if it's clear it will help.

>There was a utility offered (I still have the .gz zipped file but have
>somehow lost the note that it came with from its programmer: sorry, to
>whoever you are out there) that would do a z39.50 search for records using
>data from a pre-existing database. You would probably have more luck
>checking the archives to find it (certainly more luck than I am having
>checking my personal archives) or perhaps someone else on the listserv will
>remember what I am talking about.
That sounds very useful, so I hope someone can point me to it. I'll keep 
looking, meanwhile.

>But if you are right, Gregory, and Koha rejects items without ISBNs, what
>are we supposed to do when items really do not have them (i.e. pre-date
>ISBNs or just were never submitted to their publisher's national agency)? I
>suppose at worst one would have to make up fake ISBNs?!
Yes, it seems unlikely that Koha would have an absolute restriction on 
importing records without ISBN/ISSN. The MARC import function is not 
documented, but if someone who knows how it works could tell me 
something about what the requirements are on incoming MARC records, that 
would be very helpful.

Thanks again,
Gregory Garretson

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