[Koha] i18n of koha - progress report

Benedykt P. Barszcz kb2qzv at box43.pl
Sat Jun 23 10:35:19 NZST 2001

Actually I should not be writing this. I have convinced a friend of mine to
look at koha project and try to internationalize it.
What he did was he wrote a simple perl script that makes it possible to
switch between languages in koha by simply setting the language preference
in your browser. For that to work an "Action" directive is to be set in
Apache, like so:
Action text/html  /cgi-bin/koha/trans.pl
Action text/plain  /cgi-bin/trans.pl

The "trans.pl" script does the whole magic to present the language of your
preference of your browser.
Requirements: gettext.pm, translated koha.pot file, and compiled with

Now I need to convince him to subscribe to this mailing list to

It may take some time.

But the thing works and I am amazed....


PS. Aha, he also did something to the koha perl scripts so perl variables
can be correctly interpreted by HTML.

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