[Koha] Problem with 24.05.01 windows stalls with "processing" box

spazzali at magritte.it spazzali at magritte.it
Sun Jul 21 04:32:56 NZST 2024

Hi everybody

we have a Koha 23.11 with it_IT language installed and well running on a 
Debian 11 system.

While doing a ordinary system update (sudo apt get update / sudo apt get 
upgrade) I'm asked to change repository for Koha-common from 23 to 24. I 

The update seems to reach the end without any error and when I log in the 
version installed is 24.05.01

But trying to open a bibio record from intranet interface a box with the 
word "Processing..." appears and the windows stalls.

I attach a screenshot of the "Processing..." box and the installation log.

Koha logs seem clean.

If you have any idea it will be very helpful. 


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