[Koha] 22.11.xx vs 23.05.xx opinions

Aleisha Amohia aleisha at catalyst.net.nz
Thu Nov 9 08:44:53 NZDT 2023

Hi Alexander

When you upgrade to any Koha version, you will receive all the features 
from previous versions too! The version build on top of each other. So 
by upgrading to the latest stable version which is 23.05.x, you'll get 
everything in 23.05.x, and everything in 22.11.x, and everything in 
22.05.x, and so on.

Hope that makes sense.


On 8/11/23 22:53, Wagner, Alexander wrote:
> May I ask: it seems that I see some of these in my Koha already (e.g. CMS pages, the green Staff UI, basically all the stuff I compared) even though my Koha strongly believes to be 23.05.04. I installed right from the deb packages tracking `stable main`.
> Am I missing something here?
> Currently it's a dev box only, but once this goes into production I'd like to make sure that not some update intended to add bug fixes changes the UI e.g.
*Aleisha Amohia (she/her)*
Technical Lead | Rōpū kohinga
*Catalyst.Net Limited - Expert Open Source Solutions*

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