[Koha] Koha mysql DBMS fix

Decka David decka.david at pnguot.ac.pg
Wed Mar 22 15:59:50 NZDT 2023

Dear Koha Community,

Here is a problem that someone here in this community might come across or
know to share how to solve this problem; I talked with my ICT administrator
to solve this issue to have access to the koha mysql but was unable to do
so to fix the DBMS auto increment problem. The issue  of the "unknown
variable" in the script is;

*mysql: [ERROR] unknown variable

I can do the mysqldump and run the backup on the test server but on the
production server, I have no access at all.
Looking into the past forum emails, wikis there is not much help.

Thanking everyone here in advance for their invaluable insight and pointing
me towards solving the problem.

Kind regards

*Decka David*
Matheson Librarian | PNG University of Technology | PMB | Lae, 411 | Morobe
Alternate E: decka.david at gmail.com | P: 657 4734353 <%28657%29%20473-4353> |
F: 675 4374363

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