[Koha] Sample data (acquisitions/circulation) for testing Koha analytics

Katrin Fischer katrin.fischer.83 at web.de
Mon Apr 17 03:59:00 NZST 2023

Hi Anna,

I am not sure if you had any replies off-list.

The sandboxes and the dev environment have some sample data, but
unfortunately no sample circulation transactions and no useful
acquisition data. Maybe another library could help, but data would need
to be carefully anonymized.

For testing acq data you'll need at least one or more vendors, baskets,
orders etc. For circulation items and borrowers for any checkouts,
renewals and such. It's all perfectly doable for migrations, but you'll
need to add the data directly to the database. So it usually requires
some programming.

Maybe a script could be written to create random data too, but I am not
aware of an existing one.

Sorry to not be more helpful, I hope your testing goes well!


On 12.04.23 04:24, Anna Shields wrote:
> Hey, all!
> I'm new around here, so I apologize if this isn't the best place to post
> this. In that case, I welcome recommendations for a more appropriate place
> to seek assistance.
> I'm currently managing a sandbox installation of Koha for a consortium so
> that our members can test it out as a potential future system. Currently,
> we have very little data in the system, but some of our analytics team
> would like to test out Koha's analytics features. I've searched a bit to
> see whether there's a way to bulk load sample acquisitions and circulation
> data to a new Koha install, but I haven't found anything helpful.
> I realize this is probably not an easy problem to solve, but if anyone has
> a suggestion for how to import this kind of data from another system
> (OCLC's WMS) or pointers on how I could create well-formed data to insert
> into the database for testing, I'd really appreciate it.
> Thank you!
> Anna
> -----
> Anna Shields (she/they)
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