[Koha] Very, very beginner question: Followup

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Thu May 19 07:41:38 NZST 2022

Hi there,

The answer to the first question is in the system preferences. In order 
to be able to manually enter author names and subjects, you need to set 
BiblioAddsAuthorities to 'allow'.

As for your second question, I think you mean how to add Z39.50 servers 
to search. You can do that in Administration > Z39.50/SRU servers. The 
site https://irspy.indexdata.com/find.html can help you find servers to add.

(Authorities in library speak refer to a specific kind of record used 
for names and subject headings.)

As for which servers to add, I wouldn't really know. Maybe university 
libraries since the texts you seem to catalog seem very specialized.

I hope this helps,


On 2022-05-18 14:19, C.S. Hayward wrote:
> I have three followup questions.
> First, I've noticed that I can directly enter data into 245$a, but 100$a and 110$a appear to be locked (screenshot available on request). This is after clicking on "New Record" and navigating to the 100's tab. What should I be doing to be allowed to manually enter an individual or corporate author's name?
> Second, if I should be entering all the authorities that have been mentioned in replies for a Z49 search, how do I add a URL? (One respondent, for instance, mentioned "Oxford" as the text of a hyperlink that I assume is what I will want to enter in the appropriate place. Same for a URL for the General Theological Seminary.)
> Third, are there any authorities I should be searching besides those pointed out to me by list members?
> Thanks,
> Br. C.S. Hayward
> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
> On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 3:26 PM, C.S. Hayward<c.s.hayward at protonmail.com>  wrote:
>> Having added a first test item, I thought I would try to add to the catalog the dozen or so books that happened to be on a desk on the library.
>> I tried to search by ISBN, and the next two books were at least technically findable on Amazon by ISBN, but did not come up in the Z39.50/SRU search. They were, respectively:
>> St. Tikhon's Seminary Press: The Great Book of Needs, Volume III: The Occasional Services, South Canaan: St. Tikhon's Seminary Press, 1999, 1-878997-58-0
>> Cavarnos, Constantine, Modern Orthodox Saints: St. Cosmas Aitolos, Belmont: Instirute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1971, 0-914744-29-1
>> The library contains books that people have heard about, and obscurities.
>> If a book does not come up by ISBN, how should I be approaching entering a book for which I can find standard bibliographic information? Would it be appropriate to click on "New Record," populate a record with the fields I have (possibly incomplete) and then try to save, navigating to any mandatory fields I haven't filled in?
>> Thanks,
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Caroline Cyr La Rose, M.S.I.
Bibliothécaire | Responsable de produit

Tél. : 1-833-465-4276, poste 221
Caroline.Cyr-La-Rose at inLibro.com <mailto:caroline.cyr-la-rose at inLibro.com>

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