[Koha] Very, very beginner question: Followup

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Sat May 14 08:43:22 NZST 2022

Hi there,

If you can't find the record in any other Z39.50 catalog, you will 
indeed need to catalog it from scratch.

To create a new record, click on "New record" and choose a cataloging 
framework (frameworks are cataloging "forms" if you will). There usually 
is a "Fast Add" option that will only have basic fields.

If you are really new at cataloging, you can also copy a record you 
already have and start from there. In the record, click on Edit > Edit 
as new (duplicate). This will look as if you're editing the record, but 
you are in fact creating a copy. That way you can look at what 
information is in which field and learn what goes where at the same time.

If you are cataloging in MARC21, here are the basic fields (other than 
the aforementioned leader (000), 005 and 008)

- ISBN: 020$a

- Main author: 100$a (there can only be one main author)

- Title: 245$a

- Place of publication: 264$a

- Publisher: 264$b

- Year of publication: 264$c

- Number of pages: 300$a

- Collection: 490$a

- Summary: 520$a

- Subject: 650$a (one 650 field per subject, click on the button that 
looks like two superimposed rectangles to create a new field of the same 
type, click on that button next to the title of the 650 field)

- Secondary authors: 700$a (one 700 field per additional author)

- Web link: 856$u

If you fill out most of these, you should have simple but very nice and 
workable records. As long as your users are able to find them, that's 
the important part.


On 2022-05-13 15:35, Tami Wilkerson wrote:
> You need to remove the dashes in ISBNs when doing a Z39.50 search.
> Tami
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Koha<koha-bounces at lists.katipo.co.nz>  On Behalf Of C.S. Hayward
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 12:27 PM
> To: koha<koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>
> Subject: [Koha] Very, very beginner question: Followup
> Having added a first test item, I thought I would try to add to the catalog the dozen or so books that happened to be on a desk on the library.
> I tried to search by ISBN, and the next two books were at least technically findable on Amazon by ISBN, but did not come up in the Z39.50/SRU search. They were, respectively:
> St. Tikhon's Seminary Press: The Great Book of Needs, Volume III: The Occasional Services, South Canaan: St. Tikhon's Seminary Press, 1999, 1-878997-58-0
> Cavarnos, Constantine, Modern Orthodox Saints: St. Cosmas Aitolos, Belmont: Instirute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1971, 0-914744-29-1
> The library contains books that people have heard about, and obscurities.
> If a book does not come up by ISBN, how should I be approaching entering a book for which I can find standard bibliographic information? Would it be appropriate to click on "New Record," populate a record with the fields I have (possibly incomplete) and then try to save, navigating to any mandatory fields I haven't filled in?
> Thanks,
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Caroline Cyr La Rose, M.S.I.
Bibliothécaire | Responsable de produit

Tél. : 1-833-465-4276, poste 221
Caroline.Cyr-La-Rose at inLibro.com <mailto:caroline.cyr-la-rose at inLibro.com>

INLiBRO | Spécialistes en technologies documentaires | www.inLibro.com 

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