[Koha] Biblio export does not export records when they have no items/holdings

King, Fred Fred.King at Medstar.net
Mon Jan 11 08:30:55 NZDT 2021

I ran into this same problem a while back when I was trying to export records for R2 books that had been archived. There are probably better ways to do this, but I think I ended up going to Tools/Managed Staged Records and undoing the import of that entire batch of records. Another tedious way of exporting those records might be making a list of the titles, downloading the list in compiled MARC format, and using MarcEdit or Koha Tools to add a 952, then uploading the batch, importing the item records.

Fred King, MSLS, AHIP
Medical Librarian, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
fred.king at medstar.net
ORCID 0000-0001-5266-0279
MedStar Authors Catalog: http://medstarauthors.org

If it’s raining, it isn’t cold.
--New Englander

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From: Koha <koha-bounces at lists.katipo.co.nz> On Behalf Of André Hartmann
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:36 AM
To: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Koha] Biblio export does not export records when they have no items/holdings

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  I am having some trouble with the KOHA export of bibliographic records. In short it seems to export records only when they actually have. I am using KOHA version Here is what I am doing exactly:

KOHA --> Tools --> Export Data --> Export bibliographic records

  To export, I use a file specifying the biblio numbers. Let’s say it has numbers 95 and 96, where 95 does not have items/holdings but 96 has.
  I do not click „Don’t export items“ but even if I do it does not change anything.
  I do not click „Remove items…“ but even if I do it does not change anything.
  The „Dont export fields“ field remains empty.
  For output format I choose Xml but that does not matter. It is the same what ever I choose

  *   I click the export button.

  Now I get my resulting Xml file which only has item #96. If I add an item/holding for #95, that one will be exported as well.

  How do I get it to work such that biblio records without items/holdings get exported? My aim is to use the resulting file and import it into another KOHA instance oft he same version.

  Thanks in advance

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