[Koha] Displaying unique title and volume count on the Koha staff client

Indranil Das Gupta indradg at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 00:12:15 NZDT 2017

Kia Ora!

Erstwhile SOUL and e-Granthalaya users from India, when they shift to
Koha, often want a at-a-glance heads up view of the count of unique
titles and number of copies which is there in SOUL and e-G.

So, in memories of Santu Mondal, a young library professional, who
left us untimely this day two years back, I'm sharing this new blog
post on an upgrade-friendly way to display unique title and volume
count (live data) on the Koha staff client using Koha’s SQL report
facility in tandem with Koha’s Reports web service API pushing JSON
formatted data and some Javascript. The solution is based on a SQL
report available on the Koha wiki.

"Displaying unique title and volume count on the Koha staff client" -

Here is a screenshot - http://bit.ly/2o5vSZk


Indranil Das Gupta
L2C2 Technologies

Phone : +91-98300-20971
WWW  : http://www.l2c2.co.in
Blog    : http://blog.l2c2.co.in
IRC     : indradg on irc://irc.freenode.net
Twitter : indradg

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