[Koha] Wipe Koha database (just auth and biblio records)

Pablo Bianchi pablo.bianchi at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 03:21:46 NZST 2014

Hi Robin!

So you agree with me that Appendix F ("Resetting the Koha Database") of
current (v3.16) manual is wrong?

2014-06-02 20:21 GMT-03:00 Robin Sheat <robin at catalyst.net.nz>:

> Pablo Bianchi schreef op ma 02-06-2014 om 14:33 [-0300]:
> > Am I right? This could be risky, having side effects?
> This could have nasty side-effects.
> By turning off the
> ​​
> constraint checks, you're not going to have any
> messages telling you reasons why you shouldn't do what you're doing. For
> example, circulation history, serial subscriptions, reserves, and
> anything else that links with biblios and/or items aren't going to be
> cleared. This means that you'll have entries in them pointing to things
> that don't exist.

Problems that we can avoid just with​ *DELETE FROM biblio*?

> Some better solutions might be to:
>       * Do 'DELETE FROM table;' and then reset the auto numbering back
>         to 1, something like 'ALTER TABLE table AUTO INCREMENT=1;'
>         This'll ensure that things that should be deleted via
>         constraints will be, or it won't let you do it. Also ensure that
>         things that aren't constraint-linked are deleted (I think
>         old_issues is one of these.)

​​Despite the autoincrement issue, the *DELETE FROM biblio* way wasn't
working for me. Now I'm not being able to reproduce the error, but I
remember was very similar than with truncate, about *foreign key constraint*

I wonder why with -d option of bulkmarcimport.pl I had similar problems
than with TRUNCATE, throw to stderr something like:

*#1701 - Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint
> (`koha_MyInstance`.`aqorders`, CONSTRAINT `aqorders_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY
> (`biblionumber`) REFERENCES `koha_MyInstance`.`biblio` (`biblionumber`))*

What we can expect just taking a look to the source code:

*if ($delete) {*
*  if ($biblios){*
*    print "deleting biblios\n";*
*    $dbh->do("truncate biblio");*
*     $dbh->do("truncate biblioitems");*
*    $dbh->do("truncate items");*
*  } else {*
*    print "deleting authorities\n";*
*    $dbh->do("truncate auth_header");*
*  }*
*   $dbh->do("truncate zebraqueue");*

​If this way is the right one, considering constraint checks, I can't see
why we can't use it. Perhaps we can set up something differently in


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