[Koha] Cron does not trigger email notifications script - help

satish lis4satish at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 19:04:35 NZST 2013

Thank you Mark and Mirko for your valuable reply.

When the message_queue.pl script run manually, I was getting following
error previously.

root at gechlibrary:/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs# ./process_message_queue.pl
unable to locate Koha configuration file koha-conf.xml at
/usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 375.
Can't call method "config" on unblessed reference at
/usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 793.

at the line no: 192, I modified with proper location of koha-conf.xml
loaded. and retried running the script. afterwords,  there were no errors.
and this is the reason, I edited the file /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm

And using koha-email-enable instancename option, I did as indicated by
and when I check, sent notices in the patron screen for emails, it is
showing email status: sent
and now I believe, cron is doing its work. however, postfix is NOT
delivering mails.(SMTP), I am not sure why?


and regarding koha user, the output shows as below.

root at gechlibrary# grep koha /etc/passwd
mvs-koha:x:1001:1001:Koha instance mvs-koha,,,:/var/lib/koha/mvs:/bin/bash

the cron entry in /etc/cron.d/koha-common is:

# Call koha-rebuild-zebra for each enabled Koha instance, to make sure the
# Zebra indexes are up to date.


*/5 * * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra && koha-rebuild-zebra
$(koha-list --enabled)
*/15 * * * * root koha-foreach --enabled --email


Thank you in advance.
Satish MV
Government Engineering College, Hassan.
Karnataka - 573 201


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