[Koha] Can't reach web install on Ubuntu 12.04

Mark Tompsett mtompset at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 13 07:23:35 NZST 2013


What did you put in the /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf file? 
What does your /etc/hosts file contain?
Are you trying to use the Ubuntu Desktop browser or are you trying to access 
it from another machine?

The other email had some good ideas. The problem we have is determining 
WHERE the problem is:
1) Networking issue?
-- glaws suggested a ping.
        $ ping {fully qualified domain name, e.g. www.koha-community.org}
If you can't ping it, then you have a networking issue.

2) Apache issue?
        Is it even running?
-- glaws suggested trying to go the IP address of the machine.
The problem with this is that depending on your koha-sites.conf file, you 
may not be able to access the staff client because named hosts are assumed 
in these instructions. Can you get a page that says the system is down for 
maintenance at least? That's actually a good sign.

3) Some other issue?
        This is where I struggled with how much to write or not write in 
these instructions. Explaining how to fix /etc/apache2/ports.conf, 
/etc/apache2/sites-available/library (or whatever you called your OPAC), 
/etc/hosts, and these sorts of tweaks require a level of network and 
software administration that the novice linux user is not going to have. 
This is why I put important commands in the blue boxes. Reading around the 
blue boxes to make sure they are the ones to do is the only key part. If you 
follow these instructions without variation you will have a 
library.framisdooby.org and library-intra.framisdooby.org working. Though, 
they will not be accessible by another machine.

Oh, and you can't dynamic dns to a 192.168.x.x address, because the dynamic 
dns site is external, and 192.168.x.x is an internal network address.

Mark Tompsett 

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