Alice Akiteng aakiteng at ihsu.ac.ug
Fri Jan 9 04:04:57 NZDT 2009

I am a Senior Assistant Librarian in a University in Uganda called  
International Health Sciences University. Towards the end of last  
year, I managed to convince the university management to transist from  

The trouble I have now is that I have managed to generate bar codes but
there seems to be a bug because the barcode graphics are not displayed.
Could you kindly send me a script that rectifies this problem.

I also have various item types in my database, is it possible to generate a
print out of the entire database?

The version of koha installed is 3.0.0. I had previously seen version 2.9
and when generating barcodes it was flexible because there were two options
(continous and individual barcodes). I have not seen the continous option in
version 3.0.0. How can I get to generate the entire barcodes say from 1-2000
without having to first search and then add one by one?

Kindly respond to this email. I shall be most grateful.

Thank you so much.

Ms. Alice Akiteng
Senior Assistant Librarian
International Health Sciences University
P. O. Box 7782
Kampala - Uganda
Tel: +256(0)312265913/4/5

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