[Koha] 22_to_30/move_marc_to_authheader.pl and MARC21 authorities

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Mon Apr 20 15:15:43 NZST 2009


2009/4/19 Franck Magron <FranckM at spc.int>:
> I found out that it is because it specifies UNIMARCAUTH in the
> $record->as_xml call, contrary to move_marc_to_biblioitems.pl which
> determines the MARC flavour before calling this function.

Looking at the script, it does appear that move_marc_to_authheader.pl
will work for UNIMARC records but is not quite right for MARC21
records.  In particular, MARC21 sets the the Leader/09 = 'a' to
indicate that the records is in UTF-8; it doesn't use a 100 field for
this purpose like UNIMARC does, so move_marc_to_authheader.pl should
not attempt to add a 100 field if the flavor is MARC21.  The routine
C4::Charset::SetMarcUnicodeFlag() should be used instead.

> I would like to know if it is still possible to use MARC21 for authorities
> in Koha 3 and in that case are the creation of 001, 152 and record leader in
> the script still necessary ?

Koha 3.0 does support MARC21 authority records.  During the upgrade,
it is still necessary to verify that the 001 is set to the authority
record ID and ensure that the record leader is correct, although the
correct leader value is different for MARC21.  The code to set the 152
is harmless in MARC21.


Galen Charlton
VP, Research & Development, LibLime
galen.charlton at liblime.com
p: 1-888-564-2457 x709
skype: gmcharlt

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