[Koha] New Indexes in OPAC

Melissa Lefebvre mlefebvre at biblio.org
Thu Oct 23 04:55:08 NZDT 2008

Hi everyone,


I am new to Koha and am trying to set up our OPAC to have more searchable
indexes on the Advanced Search page which will search specific tags in the
MARC record.  We have added a note for our state children's award winners
and nominees to the 586 tag which I would like to be able to search on.
Here is what I've done so far:


1)      edited record.abs to include the MARC tag that I want to search on
(in this case 586$a)

2)      edited bib1.att and added attribute

3)      edited ccl.properties and added what the new indexes I wanted to be
(in this case wa) and pointed it to the attribute that I assigned in the

4)      added the option value to the opac-advsearch.tmpl

5)      reindexed


When I go to the Advanced search page and choose the Award Winner from the
drop down menu, and enter the wording on the tag's note, I don't get any
results.  What am I missing?  Do I have to add the index term of "wa" to
another file?


I am on Koha, debian etch.


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.





Melissa S. Lefebvre

Web Services Administrator

Bibliomation, Inc.

32 Crest Road

Middlebury, CT 06762

203-577-4070 ext. 116


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