[Koha] Purpose of this list? - Adding more lists?

Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea.it
Thu Jul 24 22:26:34 NZST 2008

Hi to all,

At 15.14 21/07/2008, Joshua Ferraro wrote:
>I don't think we've necessarily had a problem of the developer's list
>not moderating,
>more that there was some concern that the Koha User's list has a mix
>of both Usage and
>'How do I Install Koha' type questions that get pretty technical. The
>fear I've heard expressed
>is that librarians who would normally feel comfortable posting
>questions about Usage
>are scarred off by all of the system-level technical talk relating to
>'how do I install Koha'. I
>can't verify this personally ... I've never had anyone tell me that
>specifically, but it does have
>the ring of truth :-)
>So I see two options:
>1. create another list (we have far more than two already folks)
>specifically for Usage, or specifically for 'How do I Install Koha'
>2. do a better job of moderating the Koha user's list (this one) to
>help it focus on less technical, more Usage questions.
>I personally favor #2.

in fact  on Koha User's list [this list]  there 
is a a mixì of both Usage and 'How do I Install Koha'
type questions that get pretty technical.

But I think that we NEED to teach to the 
librarian that install Koha is (now) a quite technical and complex question.
In fact, now, without a Win32 auto-install, Koha 
3.0 is not for librarian without Linux tecnical skills.
So, my opinion is to mantain only two main 
mailing lists,  Koha User's list and Koha Dev.
With also specific mailing list (transaltion, language specific, etc.)

Zeno Tajoli

Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
(Indirizzo mascherato anti-spam; sostituisci quanto tra AT con @)

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