[Koha] Koha and Apache NameVirtualHost confusion

MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop
Mon Mar 5 23:08:11 NZDT 2007

Kevin O'Rourke <lists at caboose.org.uk> wrote:
> To fix the problem I had to alter /etc/apache2/sites-available/default 
> so that the VirtualHost line is:
>     <VirtualHost _default_:80 mail.nti.gov.ng:80 mail.ntilan:80>

Doing it that way will introduce dependencies on DNS.  I think you
should list IP addresses, * or _default_ in the VirtualHost, then
declare hostnames as ServerName or ServerAlias.  Also, each IP or *
should be mentioned in a NameVirtualHost, else it can result in an
unexpected combination of name and IP virtual hosts.

> I hope this helps somebody else as the way it works seems fairly 
> counter-intuitive to me.  The horrible interactions between different 
> vhosts also makes Debian's efforts to keep config files separate a 
> little pointless.

It's really little different to other weighted matching schemes, such
as CSS.  It's still worth splitting them.  Please stop abusing the
Debian project for doing a sensible thing.  If there's any problem,
it's that this isn't documented well enough.

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray - see/vidu http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Webmaster/web developer, statistician, sysadmin, online shop maker,
developer of koha, debian, gobo, gnustep, various mail and web s/w.
Workers co-op @ Weston-super-Mare, Somerset http://www.ttllp.co.uk/

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