[Koha] Very naive question from a non-librarian (resent from the right email address)

Rachel Hamilton-Williams rachel at katipo.co.nz
Tue Mar 25 17:55:10 NZST 2003


> I'm using Koha to catalogue our family book collection (I hesitate to
> call it a library). Its about 3000 or so volumes and scattered through
> various book cases throughout the house. It is vaguely organised by
> various criteria, like size, suitability for children (low shelves),
> fiction (by author), non-fiction (roughly by subject) etc. What I would
> like Koha to tell me is where (bookcase) each volume is located. Which
> would be the appropriate field in the biblioitem to store this
> information?

It would seem to me that you have a couple of options... some more sane than 
others :-)

You could set up each shelf as a "branch" unless you plan to catalogue books in 
your friends & relatives houses - in which case you should save branch for 

I think in an actual library, the class (or itemtype) is what usually 
determines what shelf an item is on - so they have fiction, junior fiction etc 
and they all tend to be shelved together.

So you could do that.

Steve has been doing work on virtual bookshelves - I'm not sure if that would 
suit your requirements, as you're talking about actual bookshelves.

Or there is always the notes - where you can put whatever you want.


Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
WEBMISTRESS                          ph  021 389 128 or +64 04 934 1285 
mailto:rachel at katipo.co.nz           PO Box 12487, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand
Koha Open Source Library System

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