[Koha] MARC

Benedykt P. Barszcz kb2qzv at box43.pl
Sat Jun 23 08:39:55 NZST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tonnesen Steve" <tonnesen at cmsd.bc.ca>
> I've now got a pretty basic MARC converter built that will take all
> existing records in the biblio, biblioitems, items tables and convert them
> to MARC records.
Can you tell how complete a MARC record will it be?
I noticed that you've added an "MARC import" link on the web page.
Does it mean we would be able to import bibliographic data from an external
file into koha's mysql tables?
It would be wonderful.

> I stuck pretty much with the mapping I sent in my
> previous post, since nobody pointed out any glaring errors.
I am not sure whether copyright data (f or g) fit into tag 245 according to
USMARC. But I may be wrong on that.


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