[Koha] One biblio record not visible in staff interface or OPAC

Katrin Fischer katrin.fischer.83 at web.de
Fri Apr 21 06:20:46 NZST 2023


did you use another/different framework for the locally published title

When you run the MARC framework check in the administration module, are
there any errors?

Are there any errors in the system information tab on the about Koha page?

Hope this helps,


On 17.04.23 15:40, library at ssst.edu.ba wrote:
> Hello all, I didn't think I'd have a new question so fast but here it is:
> So I've added a few books to my catalog. I can search for them in both staff interface and OPAC by their title, barcode or ISBN, and almost all of them appear in search results except the locally published title I added manually, not via Z39.50 (which is how I added the rest). Why is that, and how can I correct it? Please and thank you!
> Best regards
> Aida Đikić
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