[Koha] Tautoko Mai | Call for Kohacon25 Sponsors

Chris Cormack chris at bigballofwax.co.nz
Thu Feb 6 09:23:36 NZDT 2025

* E ngā ringa tautoko o te kaupapa Koha

Tēnei te karanga ki a koutou

He wā tēnei o te hokinga mai, o te whakanui

E rua tekau mā rima ngā tau e kawe ana i tēnei taonga ki te ao

Nō reira, nau mai, tautoko mai *

(To all supporting hands of  the Koha project

This is our call to you

This is a time of returning, of celebration

Twenty-five years of carrying this treasure to the world

Therefore, welcome, support us)

As Koha returns home to Aotearoa New Zealand for its 25th anniversary
celebration, we invite you to be part of this historic moment in our open
source journey. Just as our tūpuna shared knowledge and resources across
their communities, Kohacon25 carries forward this tradition of sharing and
collaboration in the digital age.

One of our core values is ensuring Kohacon remains free to attend, making
it accessible to our entire global community. Your sponsorship helps us
maintain this commitment while delivering a world-class conference
experience that honours both our digital innovation and cultural heritage.

## Te Kaupapa | The Event

- **Rā | Dates**: 17-23 November 2025

- **Wāhi | Location**: Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington, New Zealand

- **Āhua | Format**: In-person conference with global live streaming

- **Tāngata | Expected Attendance**: 150+ in-person delegates plus global
online audience

## Ngā Taumata Tautoko | Sponsorship Levels

### Pounamu Sponsor ($2,000 NZD)

Like the treasured greenstone that has been traded across Aotearoa for
centuries, our Pounamu sponsors help forge strong connections within our

- Organisation logo prominently displayed on conference website and

- Featured social media recognition across our channels

- Special mihi (acknowledgement) during opening and closing ceremonies

- Option to include promotional items in conference kete (bags)

- Opportunity for a 5-minute presentation during the conference

### Tūhua Sponsor ($1,000 NZD)

Like the precious obsidian that enabled the sharing of knowledge through
tool-making, our Tūhua sponsors support the exchange of ideas and expertise.

- Organisation logo on conference website and materials

- Social media recognition

- Mihi during opening ceremonies

- Option to include promotional items in conference kete

### Pāua Sponsor ($500 NZD)

Like the beautiful pāua that brings beauty to our art and marae, our Pāua
sponsors add vibrancy to our conference.

- Organisation logo on conference website and materials

- Social media recognition

## He Tautoko Kē | Custom Packages

We're keen to discuss custom sponsorship packages that align with your
organisation's kaupapa. This might include:

- Kapu tī sponsor (morning/afternoon tea)

- Tīna sponsor (lunch)

- Hui whakangahau sponsor (social event)

## Why Sponsor Kohacon25?

Your sponsorship helps us:

- Keep registration free for all attendees

- Support catering and venue costs

- Enable cultural and social activities

- Create a memorable 25th anniversary celebration

## Tautoko ā-Hapori | Community Support

We also welcome in-kind sponsorship and support from community
organisations. The principle of koha - giving that strengthens communities
- is at the heart of both our software and our conference.

## Next Steps

To discuss sponsorship opportunities, whakapā mai (contact us):

- Īmēra | Email: organisers at kohacon.org

Join us in celebrating 25 years of open source innovation and community
collaboration. Together, we weave the past and future of Koha,
strengthening the bonds that make our community unique.

Ngā mihi nui,

The Kohacon25 Organising Committee

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