[Koha] IssuingInProcess in practice

Aleisha Amohia aleisha at catalyst.net.nz
Thu Feb 8 15:27:16 NZDT 2024

Hello everybody,

Currently when set to "Don't prevent", the IssuingInProcess system 
preference will let a patron issue an item with a rental fee that takes 
them over the noissuescharge limit. Then they will be blocked on the 
next issue.

Are there any libraries that have amended this behaviour to keep issuing 
as long as its within the same session, even as fines keep accruing?

For example if the rental fee is $2, Koha will let them issue 3 items 
till their fines total $6, but are there any libraries that have this 
working so that the patron could issue 10 items in one go and end with 
fines totally $10?

Thank you

*Aleisha Amohia (she/her)*
Technical Lead | Rōpū kohinga
*Catalyst.Net Limited - Expert Open Source Solutions*

*Catalyst.Net Ltd - a Catalyst IT group company*
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