[Koha] Fwd: Dead Koha Resuscitation

Bruce A. Metcalf library at augustansociety.org
Fri May 19 14:46:43 NZST 2023

On 5/18/23 21:35, Hector Gonzalez Jaime wrote:

>>> What does sudo koha-plack --start instancename Do?
>> root at store:/usr/sbin# koha-plack --start library bash: koha-plack:
>> command not found
>> Which seems even more weird. Are the permissions wrong?
> You are still missing /usr/sbin in your PATH variable.

That's been added.

> The command would have run if you had typed:
> /usr/sbin/koha-plack --start library

Let me try:

root at store:/usr/sbin# /usr/sbin/koha-plack --start library
/usr/share/koha/bin/koha-functions.sh: line 285: start-stop-daemon: 
command not found
[ ok ] Starting Plack daemon for library:.

Okay, a step forward, but a new challenge. (Been a lot of that in this 

Line 285 is:

if start-stop-daemon --pidfile "/var/run/koha/${instancename}/plack.pid" \

File /var/run/koha/library/plack.pid does exist. It contains a 
five-digit number only.

Okay, I'm stuck again!

Thanks again for all the help.

/ Bruce /
Bruce A. Metcalf, Librarian
The Augustan Library

> your system seems to be in a strange situation, you might want to 
> uninstall koha, remove all dependencies, and install it again:
> apt-get remove koha-common     <- this does not affect your database
> or configuration files. apt-get autoremove             <- this
> deletes every dependency that is no longer needed, which should be a
> ton of perl libraries. apt-get install koha-common      <- this
> should reinstall koha, and every one of its dependencies.  If your
> system has problems, this command would eventually fail.
> If this last command fails, I'd like to see the contents of your 
> /etc/apt/sources.list file and every file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d
>> Regards, / Bruce / Bruce A. Metcalf, Librarian The Augustan
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