[Koha] Fwd: Dead Koha Resuscitation

Bruce A. Metcalf library at augustansociety.org
Fri May 19 07:46:58 NZST 2023

On 5/18/23 14:52, David Liddle wrote:

> Hello, Bruce. You've been good about chasing down the information 
> folks have asked for. I'm sorry that we haven't brought you closer
> to a solution.

I'm no less appreciative of your efforts for that.

> I have some follow-up questions:
> 1.a. Database. Once you listed the databases, did you exit the mysql 
> prompt and back up the koha_library database with the mysqldump 
> command?

Yes, and it appeared to work. I have a 450MB file called backup.sql.

> 1.b.Can you use an FTP client such as FileZilla to download such 
> files?

I assume so.

> 2.a. Path. What is the result of this command? env | grep -i 'path'

root at store:/# env | grep -i 'path'

I am aware that the path should contain several sbin directories, but I
don't know how to add them.

> 2.b. Path. Did you already establish that the Koha commands are or 
> are not installed? ls /usr/sbin/koha*

Yes, the usual list of commands is there. This suggests to me that the
inadequate PATH command is at least part of my problem.

> 3. Repository and deb. Did you run "apt update" before running 
> "apt-get install --reinstall koha-common"?

Yes. The resultant is:

root at store:/# apt-get update && apt-get install --reinstall koha-common
[some lines skipped]
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  koha-common : Depends: libtest-dbix-class-perl but it is not going to
be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

> The current version is 21.11.20.

Right, but I haven't been able to employ any earlier version, either.

> Yes, koha-common appears to be running, though maybe I'm reading it 
> wrong. Have you checked the Apache config file for your instance, 
> probably /etc/apache2/sites-available/library.conf

There are two links in that file, one for the OPAC and one for admin access.

> SSL Certificate information will be important.

There is no mention of SSL Certificates in the file.

> There are also Apache-related config files in /etc/koha, which I 
> think could have been overwritten in the upgrade; that may or may
> not be important.

There are such files. I don't know what to make of them.

> 5. This situation is a good opportunity to research and document the
> elements on the server that you need to back up manually and download
> in the event that you need to rebuild the server from scratch. I'm
> guessing you don't do this work full-time, but having this
> information written will save you and/or your successor a lot of time
> when that day comes.

Yeah, I should be so lucky as to have someone take over for me! <G> The 
organization is a non-profit with declining participation.

> Is this hosted server just running: 1. the main website (what
> platform or site-building tool?), 2. a wiki (MediaWiki?), and 3.
> Koha? That backup will probably come down to the databases you've
> listed and one or more directories for each service.

The virtual server is running an Online Store, a Wiki, and Koha. Minor 
file storage is all else that's there.

What I suspect at this point is that I need to add the sbin directories 
to the PATH. Can someone point me to a tutorial?

/ Bruce /
Bruce A. Metcalf, Librarian
The Augustan Library

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