[Koha] Religious holidays with shifting dates

library at ssst.edu.ba library at ssst.edu.ba
Wed Jun 14 19:35:21 NZST 2023

And another problem that came up just now - I'm trying to add the two Christmases - Catholic and Orthodox. The first one went fine, but the second is an issue since it falls on January 7, which is a Sunday in 2024 and I already have Saturdays and Sundays marked as holidays repeating weekly. When I click on the date, it offers me the options to generate exceptions or delete the holiday, but not to add a holiday.

Is there a way to do this, or will I have to find a past year where January 7 didn't fall on a weekend and work from there?

Best regards

Aida Đikić

From: Hernandez, Heather H <Heather_Hernandez at nps.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 6:57 PM
To: library at ssst.edu.ba; koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
Subject: [Koha] Religious holidays with shifting dates

Hi, Aida--

I wasn't able to replicate the problem-it worked for me.  We're on, and here's what I did:

Tools > Calendar
I selected July 3, then in the "To date..." I chose July 4.  (We're going to be closed these two days.)
Then I selected the "Holidays on a range" radio button.

It sounds like this is what you are doing??


Ms. Heather Hernandez (she, her, hers)

Technical Services Librarian

Library catalog:  https://keys.bywatersolutions.com/

San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center

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heather_hernandez at nps.gov<https://webmail.lmi.net/src/compose.php?send_to=heather_hernandez%40nps.gov>

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