[Koha] Helsinki KohaCon: SCHEDULE + REGISTRATION is here! The Perl and Koha conference'2023

Perl Koha perlkohacon at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 14:25:23 NZST 2023

🗓️ *The Schedule is complete* now: http://perlkohacon.fi/Schedule.html

   - 3 days of talks and 2 days for workshops, all in three streams of
   various Perl and Koha, many for developers, some for end-users and
   librarians. It's when the product meets the language, and users meet

   - But *we need some more 5 minutes lightning talks*, so feel free to
   prepare something (tell us by form https://perlkohacon.fi/cft or by

🎉 REGISTRATION is open now: https://perlkohacon.fi/Registration.html - we
have the conference free, *but registration is mandatory*.
‼️ *We need to know that you will come:* Some great social events (🚢!) are
planned, thus ✍ PLEASE DO!

✈️🏨 We added hints about hotels, trip, Helsinki: http://perlkohacon.fi ...
🙏 share, and Welcome!


Warm Regards,

Conference Organizers Team

Perl and Koha Conference in Helsinki, 2023.

*YAPC::Europe* and *KohaCon* together:

when Perl and Koha united once and forever.

Schedule: https://perlkohacon.fi/Schedule.html

Registration: https://perlkohacon.fi/Registration.html

Find full info here: https://perlkohacon.fi

Our social news channels for sharing our where is more convenient:

  - Telegram: http://t.me/PerlKohaCon

  - Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@perlkohacon

  - Twitter: http://twitter.com/PerlKohaCon

  - Facebook: http://facebook.com/PerlKohaCon

  - LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/showcase/PerlKohaCon

  - Instagram: http://instagram.com/PerlKohaCon

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