Bruns, Anke Anke.Bruns at gwdg.de
Wed Jul 5 06:18:25 NZST 2023


it would be good to know a bit more about what exactly you are trying to do.

In what format are your data? For Koha, it would have to be UNIMARC or MARC21. (MARCXML is said to be possible as well, but I have found that it didn't in my case.)

How are you trying to import the data? Via the Stage records for import tool in the Staff client or via the bulkmarcimport command?

If you're using the tool on the staff client, how many records are in your data set? With large data sets you might run into a timeout, and it would help to split the file into smaller ones and import them one by one. In my experience the file should contain < 30000 records, perhaps even less.

Hope these ideas are helpful.

If you encounter a specific problem, please describe it in more detail, as mentioned above.

Best regards,

Am 04.07.2023 15:00 schrieb Hillcrest Librarian <librarian at hillcrestschool.net>:
KOHA software is completely new to me. I exported my titles from Destiny
software into my system, they are in a machine format, I tried importing
them into my new Koha software but it's not working.
I need help or steps in which I can follow to achieve this. I have
numerous resources that will cripple my duties if I am to input these
titles one by one.
Thanks in anticipation for your assistance.

James Livinus
Hillcrest School Librarian.
Jos, Plateau State.

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